So last Friday was the last day of 2nd grade. Tater officially finished with her school work. Its been a long hard year. We've had to move and I've had an amputation. We gained Jr Bug in a learning setting and we've moved and we've grown. We have learned, served, taught others, matured, and set forth a task of growing and loving in Christ. The first picture shows the start of the year. When we were attempting to homeschool our 2nd year. The last year shows all the changes that have taken place. The growth that has occurred and that has caused us to change. The last picture also shows a level of maturity that has overcome my daughter. `She has truly lived out the Scriptures of Mark 10:45, 1 Corinthians 12, and the quote by St Teresa of Avila...Christ has no body now on earth, but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours. Yours are the eyes through which to look out Christ's compassion to the world. Yours are the feet with which he is to go about doing good; Yours are the hands with which He is to bless men now. Tater has done this with her helping me since my amputation. She has done this with much grace and much love.

The first day of 2nd grade,
The last day of 2nd grade.
See the growth, the maturity, the change. She has really matured, I am so proud of her, And now we are done until next year. We will do summer school, but summer school is simple, easy, and a refresher course of all that we have learned this year.
You may see some posts this summer but not many. Stay tuned for our 3rd grade school year.