Sunday, January 31, 2016

Week 14

So this week we learned all about rainbows and about peace, Jack and the Beanstalk, and American Girl Caroline.

In our Fruit of the Spirit lessons we have moved to learning about peace. How Gd trades our fear for peace and how peace is eternal. W learned the acronym of FEAR...False Evidence Appearing Real.
We have moved to Caroline in our American Girl series...Tater made a boat to represent Caroline and her desire to sail her own ship.

Jr Bug is still working on reading comprehension. The book we worked on this week is Jack and the Beanstalk. He also worked on patterns and the letter N.

Both kids learned about rainbows. An interesting fact about rainbows is that the rainbow is an optical illusion. The closer you try to get to the rainbow the further away it gets from you! We also learned that the rainbow is actually not an arc, but more of a circle. We just cannot see the whole circle due to white light (the actual color of the rainbow) and the Earth.

Here are some pictures from our week:
Jr Bug working on his peace Dove. 

Tater working on her peace Dove.

Changing FEAR out for PEACE!
Jr Bug eating his fruit loops after he finished making his rainbow. 

Our peace Dove.

Tater holding up her rainbow. 

Tater working on her rainbow.

Jr Bug working on his rainbow. 

Coloring a rainbow.

Gluing on clouds!

Math work.

Jr Bug and his rainbow.

Tater and her rainbow. 

As you can see a good week learning about colors, light, and math, among other things. 

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