Germs are everywhere... that's what we learned this week. We learned about types of germs how they are passed from one person to another, how to stop the spread of germs, and how germs come into contact with everything. We learned how to wash our hands, we did several experiments with germs, and we watched several videos on germs.
We also practiced patience this week. Since our new fruit of the spirit is Patience we are practicing patience in our everyday lives!
Tater has moved to American Girl Josefina. She is of Spanish descent, so in honor of reading this series we are eating Spanish influenced meals every Friday. We are also moving into alphabetical order in Language Arts...this will give her a head start on next year's spelling words, where she will be required to place each weeks spelling words in alphabetical order.
Jr Bug moved on to the letter S for seeds and snake. He continued his practice of writing in his missing numbers 1-30. We also skipped reading comprehension this week. He has read so many books, it was time for a break.
Below are some pictures of our week...
Doing school work in the kitchen.
Learning about the letter S.
So the next few pictures show this weeks fruit of the Spirit lesson is patience. We read Colossians 3:12. To illustrate this verse, we put on clothes. I had Taylor dress over her clothes, and Jason get dressed the correct way. We discussed, how God wants us to take off our sinful "clothes" so He can discard them, and in turn clothe ourselves in His fruits. We also discussed how when we try to put on God's fruit over our sinful nature we get hot, disgusted, and uncomfortable (Taylor dressing her clothes over her pjs).
Some serious learning is taking place.
This week and next we are learning about germs. We have watched several videos on germs, we've learned how to wash our hands, we've watched videos on how germs are spread, and experienced germs as a visible eye sore.
The kids did an experiment in where they rubbed lotion on their hands. Then I gave them a small amount of glitter in which they rubbed their hands together. Afterwards, They touched me with their hands, which simulated germs being passed from one person to another. Then, I had them dry their hands on a paper towel without washing them. The glitter "germs" were still present. I had them wash their hands with soap and water, and viola the glitter "germs" were gone.
Learning how to wash hands.
Bread experiment...In this experiment, we used bread, and 4 ziplock bags named cough, touch, control, and contact. We put the bread in a bag for the control test. For the cough, we coughed on the bread, to get the viruses living in our bodies. For touch, we wiped our hands on the bread, without washing them. For contact, we wiped bread on the table where we sit at and placed in the bag,. Then we placed our bags in a dark area, and let them sit. The experiment takes 2 weeks to come to fruition, so at the end of next week week, we will check our experiment, to see what kind of germs grow.

This set of pictures occurred on a Sunday. Homeschooling and formal learning is only the tip of the iceberg, the part that most people get to see.. What you don't see is the hours of planning, the prayers that go into schooling, by both the kids and I, the moments where you as people don't see the work that goes on behind closed doors, when the camera is off. It's the deeper heart of the matter. For my children, that means reading on a Sunday, when reading isn't required. Or learning how to write, count, and order numbers on a Sunday, when math is the furthest thing from my mind. These moments are the quiet moments of homeschooling, in which the children are truly learning, truly growing, truly seeing why my passion is homeschooling, my ministry is giving Jesus the ultimate control in teaching, training, educating my children.
Next week, we will continue our study of germs by watching more videos on germs, we will also check on our bread experiment, continue our study on Patience, and work on missing numbers, alphabetical order, and Josefina, plus we will eat tostadas la pollo!