So I put the kiddos down for a nap and guess who decides she's too old for a nap. Yes my big girl decided that naps aren't her thing. So I ask her "why no nap?" She says momma I'm not a little girl, only little kids need naps. So I look at her in wonder and amazement...When did my baby get older. She's really growing. She is a big girl. She helps me with both of my little ones. She watches over her brother, she helps me clean, wants to cook, and is doing amazing things in school. When did I get so busy living life that I forgot to LIVE life.
My oldest is my heart. She takes after her momma and is growing. She is a fighter, a champion, an abundant child filled with Grace and Mercy. She is my gift from God and even though life has dealt her tough things to deal with in her little time on earth she is resilient.
She has been the reason why I have accepted my diabetes, my time being single, my reason for getting up, and my reason for
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