Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Do you believe in homeschooling?

The question of the day...Do you believe in homeschooling? Why?

My answer....

When we first started homeschooling we were at a place of survival, fresh starts, and new beginnings. I, after a lot of prayers felt led to homeschool. Did I know what we were going to be doing...NO! Did I know the challenges that I would be facing...NO! Did I know that life would have ups and downs, ins and outs, good and bad days...YES! Would I have continued to do this calling...YES! Because God called me to it. After 2 years of hmeschooling I've watched my family grow closer to God. I've watched us grow closer to each other, to look out for each other, we have become a team. Homeschooling has allowed us to follow God's plan and not our own. With having sickness in our home, we have learned to care for each other. Homeschooling has allowed us to have freedom in schooling, in life and in Christ. Homeschooling gives us the chance to learn that life is not about book work but ministering to others, and being ministers for Christ. Learning how to be receptive to God's moving. Receptive and willingness to be flexible. Yes, homeschooling works, and I believe in it. My family is the proof.

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