Sunday, May 31, 2015


So the same is true with my Tater. She came to me and asked me how to spell eleven. I told her to sound it out and I would be here if she needed help. She started out sounding the word out and then asked me had she spelled the word wrong. I looked at her and said yes its spelled correctly. She said the most amazing sentence I've ever heard her say. "Momma, I believed in God and I did it. Are you proud?" I stood with tears in my eyes and told her more than she will ever know.
The Bible says train up a child in the way that they should go... and I'm thankful that she is beginning to see and understand what I'm trying to impress upon her heart. She's beginning to have a knowledge of who God is and how important He is in her life. I pray that this stays with her as she grows older she will always recognize her incessant need for Him in her life.
But for today, the number eleven stands as an example of her growth, her need for God, and her belief in Him.
The number 11.

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